Abdominal Hernia Pain and Weakness Solved – Hearing Aid

Like every patient that comes to see me, I am looking for the factors that are causing them to be in a neurologically weakened state.

Here was a case where a mid 50’s man was complaining of hernia-type symptoms in his abdomen. He had pain and weakness of the abdominal muscles  after straining them doing some chainsaw work. You won’t believe what the problem actually was….

The problem was that after months went by, he wasn’t healing. Something was stopping healing process from occurring. He happened to be a long-time patient who came in for periodic “protection” type office visits. He was doing well up to this point.

I knew he had a hearing aid in one ear, so I tested his abdominal and lower back muscle strength before and after removing the hearing aid. Lo and behold he had a marked improvement in his abdominal muscles after removing the hearing aid.

He was instructed to use the hearing aid as little as possible. Several months went by and he came back reporting that within the week his abdominals healed up and he hasn’t had the problem since. He said he only wears the hearing aid on Sunday mornings.

Never take for granted the “non-factory parts” you add to your body. They just might be causing problems you are completely unaware of.

  • Surgical pins/screws/plates
  • Hearing aids
  • Tattoo ink
  • Dental (crowns, fillings, bridges, root canals, etc.)
  • Orthodontics
  • Piercings

And don’t for a second think your current problem/pain has to be from something you changed recently. Or a injury/accident you recently had. This does NOT have to be the case.

The list of things above are silently causing dysfunction and draining your body year after year just waiting for conditions to be right to cause you to break down.

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