Chronic Pain From Severe Head Trauma Solved With Cranial Adjusting

In my first 6 months in practice I had a very interesting case come to me. Here was a man of about 35 years of age. He looked like he was 135. For 10 years he had major symptoms.

  • TEN YEARS of chronic pain in pretty much his entire body. Every muscle, every joint.
  • Ten years of not being able to sleep for more than 3 hours at a time or else he would feel terribly sick.
  • Ten years of fatigue.
  • Ten years of headaches.
  • And probably more symptoms that I cannot even remember.

And it all started 10 years prior to when I saw him from a car accident, in which he was driving over 80 miles per hour. He slid on some ice, hit a tree, then bounced off the tree and hit a house.

From the impact he fractured his skull in multiple places. And from this he had the symptoms I listed above.

Having been trained in cranial adjusting I knew he had skull bones that were locked and not moving appropriately. I examined him and determined the bones that needed to be adjusted. It took about 5 minutes of adjusting his skull for me to get him where I felt his bones were in the correct position and I sent him on his way to return in about a week.

A week later he walks into my office. I hardly recognized him. The transformation that took place was astounding.

He looked much, much younger. His body looked like it had relaxed. His face was calm. He looked like he had actually slept. He looked like he was living on planet Earth…. He looked alive again.

In questioning him about the last week since his adjustment, I witnessed a truly astounding story. Here it goes…

He left my office after the first visit and couldn’t make it home (he lived about and hour and a half away). He was exhausted and could barely keep his eyes open so he called his friend who had referred him to my office. She lived about 45 minutes from my office.

When he arrived he asked her if he could take a nap on her couch, which she of course said, yes. Now here is where it gets really wild.

He wakes up and goes to find her. He asks her what day it is and she says, “Thursday”. He then asks her what day he got to her house…

She says, “Monday”!

This man slept for 3-4 straight days without waking up to eat or use the restroom. His body completely shut down to repair and heal itself.

So he relays to me that when he woke up he had ZERO symptoms. No pain, no fatigue, NOTHING. Since then he is now able to sleep 7-8 hours per night and wakes up feeling fantastic.

This was the second and last time I ever saw him. I will probably never have this happen to a patient ever again. And man, do I wish I had that entire encounter on video.

And in case you are wondering why the woman let him sleep for that long without getting worried. Well, there may be some drug use involved and not being “all there”.

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