College Basketball Player With Diarrhea and Chronic Infection

A number of years ago I had a college basketball player come to me. Her main complaint was she had to run to the bathroom multiple times per day. And not a good kind….more on the watery kind where you have to go NOW.

What was particularly disturbing to her was the fact that when her team traveled, if there wasn’t a bathroom on the bus, they would have to stop to find a bathroom for her. Often multiple times per road trip.

As you can imagine this is quite devastating for a young woman. I can’t imagine the embarrassment, but I also can’t imagine trying to play a tough basketball game after having several bouts of diarrhea on the way to the gym. I would imagine she would have been quite depleted.

Along with doing my usual chiropractic and cranial adjusting I suspected she had some kind of parasitic or bacterial infection in her GI tract.

Her history screamed chronic infection to me. It’s one of the main things that causes chronic GI problems.

The sad part is most people like her are given up on. She had been from doctor to doctor with no help. They all classified her with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [IBS] and said she just had to live with it.

I’m the kind of guy who always thinks there must be a cause. So, I did my exam, analyzed her diet, asked a lot of questions and figured out a plan.

I figured out the appropriate nutritional and herbal protocol for her and within 30-45 days she was symptom free. She was able to travel with the team with  no problems.

How happy do you think she was?

Ecstatic. And I bet her teammates and coaches were happy as well [and the bus driver]!


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