Cranial Suture Jamming – Lower Back Pain – Cranial Subluxation

A big part of lower back pain actually has its roots in the cranial system. Without addressing the dysfunction that occurs in the cranium, the lower back will often never stabilize.

Do You Do CranioSacral Therapy?

No. CranioSacral Therapy is taught mainly to massage therapists. It is extremely light touch. It involves holding a contact on the sacrum and occiput often for up to 45 minutes. It can be of benefit, but I do something different.

I was taught and have continued to refine a technique that utilizes more energy in the adjustments. It is applied in a specific and concise direction to correct the position of the misaligned cranial bones. These cranial adjustments are the fan favorite of my patients and is what most of them look forward to each visit.


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