One Year Shoulder Pain Fixed With NeuroCentric Pro-Taping

This was a fun case. A 63 year old woman came to me over 1 year post-motorcycle accident. She was unable to reach her right arm behind her back. Pain was chronic at a 5/10 scale consistently.

She had been seeing physical therapists 3 times per week for almost a year with zero results (her words).

They were focused on her shoulder as if she needed to rehab the muscles and joints. I took a different perspective. I wanted to find her NeuroCentric Dysfunction instead. I was looking for why her brain wasn’t coordinating the muscles and joint all on it’s own.

I mapped this out on the first visit and determine what needed to be corrected. With just one application of NeuroCentric Pro-Tape she was able to immediately bring her right arm not only behind her back, but she could even swing it up the back of her spine with zero pain.

The reason why she had pain and dysfunction in the first place was because her serratus anterior muscle was not functioning correctly and no amount of exercise or rehab would fix it.

Without this muscle working correctly her brain needed to limit the range of motion. This is important….

Your brain will NOT allow you to move a joint into a position that it cannot stabilize.

So, if you can’t move your arm behind your back or up above your head, it means your brain cannot keep you stable in that position. Therefore, it will limit the range of motion to one that it CAN stabilize.

Obvious exceptions are joint trauma and pathology.

The tape stimulated skin sensors to give the correct information back to the brain. After a few days of having the tape on her brain was reset back to normal and she needed no further treatment.

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