Rush City Man Heals Back Pain With NeuroCentric Chiropractic

For some reason I lost the video to this. Not sure what happened. Here is the story…

Young 20’s ex-military comes to see me with horrible back pain. He had come back from Iraq. Upon testing him, nothing seemed to make any sense.

The weaknesses I found didn’t add up. This obviously wasn’t a mechanical type of back problem. This was something different. Upon questioning, I learned his job overseas was to ride around in a Humvee all day and jam communications. They jammed cell phones and other signals so the locals couldn’t communicate.

They had what was called a Warlock in the back that did the work. From being exposed to these frequencies, my patient essentially developed electrical poisoning.

Don’t ask me the herb  I recommended to him, because I can’t remember, but I had him take an herb that helped his body restore its electrical system. About a week later he symptom free, and his body testing made sense.

This was a really fun case. It just goes to show that you need to treat the person, not necessarily where the pain is. We are living in the most complex time in history. Electrical pollution is a mounting problem. In this case it was quite severe from a very powerful piece of military equipment, but it can come from computers, cell phones, etc. just as easily.

Electrical pollution is real and easy to demonstrate.

Just as an FYI, people with Lyme disease also tend to have this problem. The bugs cause some kind of change to the electrical system in the body. If it isn’t corrected, recovery is very difficult.

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