Sciatic Nerve Pain Solved With NeuroCentric Testing

A mid 50’s male came to me with right sided sciatica and lower back pain. In case you don’t know, the sciatic nerve runs down the back of the leg and when irritated is called sciatica. It’s often very painful.

On NeuroCentric Testing I found that he had numerous neurological inhibitions (weaknesses) related to the lower limb and torso.

These inhibitions were instantly facilitated (strengthened) when he put pressure on a large mercury amalgam filling in his lower right jaw.

I demonstrated to him what I found and let him decide what he wanted to do (I do not tell people what to do with their dental work, I only show them how it is affecting them).

I did not see him again for roughly 6 months. After this time he came in with an unrelated problem. As he was leaving he reminded me of what I found the last time I saw him.

He told me he went to the dentist I recommended after the last visit and had his filling replaced. With a smile he said he hasn’t had any sciatic nerve pain since.

My job is to find NeuroCentric Dysfunction. In other words I find what is disrupting the neurological system, and help the body correct it. In this case, the filling was causing the dysfunction and disturbance.

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