Softball Catcher’s Knee Pain Connected With the Gallbladder

One of my greatest joys is opening somebody’s mind to new possibilities and new concepts. Seeing their face light up with astonishment.

That definitely happened with this young girl and her dad….

17 year old softball catcher comes to me with knee pain in BOTH knees. The pain is so severe that she cannot squat down past a few inches without wincing in pain. She certainly cannot come close to getting in her catcher’s stance.

The athletic trainer and physical therapist she had been working with for the previous 3 weeks were focusing on her knees and trying to “rehab” her knees.

The problem?

She never hurt either knee. How can you rehab something you haven’t injured? What she needed was to find the dysfunction first, and then what was CAUSING the dysfunction.

My NeuroCentric Strength Analysis revealed the muscles in the back of her knees called the popliteus were in a neurologically inhibited state.

In English this means the brain was not coordinating this muscle properly. Something in her body was causing a disruption.

And since this muscle is critical for well functioning knees, this was where the problem was.

Now here is the interesting part for most people….

The CAUSE of the neurological disruption involved the gallbladder. Her gallbladder was becoming clogged and this short-circuited the popliteus.

I fixed the gallbladder-popliteus connection by giving her gallbladder cleansing herbs and nutrients. She was pain-free within the day and went on to play the rest of her senior season without any pain.

The fun part was in the office on that first visit.

Instead of guessing I like to know exactly what is going on.

  • During the exam I had her attempt to squat. Like the previous 3 weeks, she couldn’t squat down past a few inches.
  • Then, I had her put the gallbladder nutrient in her mouth and had her attempt to squat down.
  • To her and her dads astonishment, she could completely squat into her catcher’s stance with ZERO pain. I thought her dad was going to fall off his chair.

Give the body what it needs and it will operate how it’s supposed to.

Now, if you are a softball catcher with knee pain don’t assume this is YOUR problem as well! It might be, but it might be something completely different.

Every person seems to be unique.

You might have a cranial bone problem from numerous sources like dental braces or retainers, or you hit your nose at some point. You can read more about my patients with cranial problems here. There are some interesting cases.

Or, you might have a scar on your abdomen from having your appendix out, or a c-section or episiot0my. Scars cause an electrical disturbance and can have far-reaching effects.

Or, you might have an organ that is struggling like my softball catcher.

The point is to never assume. Get tested.


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