13 Year Old Boy With 10 Years Of Back Pain Fixed With Specific Cranial Adjusting

This one was interesting. His mom verified that yes, he started complaining of mid-back pain when he was just 3 years old and hadn’t stopped complaining about it since.


A 3 year old having back pain is strange. Let alone the ability to verbalize it at that young of an age.

They had been from doctor to doctor. Chiropractor to chiropractor over the years. With no results. Nothing ever changed. They were willing to try one more time.

So here we go…

In his history I asked about any head traumas. Nope, none they could think of. I then asked about how his birth went. Bingo.

He was stuck in the birth canal for many hours. It was a very stressful time obviously, but he came out “normal”.

I use normal in quotations because this is commonly mistaken. Normal appearing, yes. His head was the right shape and had no overt signs of other stress, but he was anything but normal.

His cranial bones were jammed. And the rhythm of his CranioSpinal System was altered.

Nobody up to this point had considered his stuck cranial bones could be the problem.

When I got to his physical exam I found that his brain was not communicating properly with his muscles. It was like they were all on a dimmer switch. Every single one of them.

Not one muscle worked correctly. They all tested weak.

In the office with patients we use the terms “weak” and “strong”. But in reality I’m not testing the actual strength of the muscle fibers. He was a healthy, strong kid that did a lot of dirt biking. He had strong muscles.

So when I say his muscles were weak, they were actually neurologically inhibited.

The nervous system couldn’t fire his muscles appropriately with the speed and precision that was needed.

He had no protection. No shock absorption. The pounding of running, jumping and dirt biking went right up through his body into his spine and caused pain.

For 10 years!

So now I had to figure out where it was coming from. I had my suspicions from his history so I did a certain screening test and all of his muscles immediately came back to life.

Every one of his muscles tested rock solid strong.

I adjusted his cranial bones and had him come back in a week. No change.


I adjusted them again and had him come back the next week.

No change.

I did this for maybe 4 visits and said enough is enough. His skull was not unlocking. It was incredibly stuck and scar tissue was holding everything tight together.

We needed more force. And we needed that force to come from the inside out.

I have a procedure I do that uses little balloons that are inserted into the nasal canal. When inflated they adjust the cranial bones from the inside out. Releasing the pressure.

It feels like water is being shoved up your nose. There is pressure, and sometimes at first a little pain as the scar tissue frees up.

I have more info on this procedure in my members area. You can sign up for free here.

I educated mom and son on the procedure and he was willing to try it. I did the procedure on him that day and told him to come back the next week.

When he came back he was all smiles. He had zero pain for that entire week. Not even a little. It was a distant memory.

Mom was stunned. She hadn’t even asked him about his pain all week. I’m guessing because nothing had worked in 10 years, why would it work now? That was the first she had heard about it.

I had to do more cranial adjusting with balloons that visit to finish some things up.

I saw him a month later and he was still doing great. No back pain.

So here is why this occurred.

Stuck and misaligned cranial bones pull on the fascia that surrounds the brain and spinal cord….

Called the Meninges.

This restriction can pull on tissue from head to toe. It’s what causes people to feel like they need to “crack” their back or neck.

The tissue pull is creating pressure and the “crack” releases the pressure temporarily. And in minutes or hours, the pressure builds back up again.

And the cycle repeats.

But as you can see from this case, he didn’t have pain in his head. He had mid-back pain.

The tension centered there, but it sure wasn’t where it was coming from.

It’s why repeated attempts to different chiropractors never produced any results. There wasn’t anything “wrong” with his back. That was all secondary. Adjusting the spinal bones over and over again would never lead to pain relief. At least not permanent.

It’s why we need a diagnostic system that is capable of finding the true cause. Applied Kinesiology is the best system I have ever found.

And, we need to have the basic understanding that cranial bones move!!

Without understanding that cranial bones move, and properly adjusting them, this young kid would suffer for the rest of his life.


We’ve known about this for over 100 years…..


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