Early 60’s woman with bilateral carpal tunnel pain for about 40 years. First started with a repetitive work injury and it’s been hurting ever since.
All the doctors she has seen over the years have been looking at the wrists (where the carpal tunnel resides). But what if I told you her pain had nothing to do with her wrists?
And that her pain was actually from a little valve between her small and large intestine called the Ileocecal Valve (ICV).
In less than a month of working on the scar tissue in the valve and giving healing nutrients, her wrist pain was drastically improved.
Stunned her.
She never thought something far removed from her wrists could be the real culprit behind 40 years of pain and limited activity.
I get it.
Most people or doctors would never consider that.
But here is the deal. When there is dysfunction of the ICV it can create swelling throughout the body.
Often, this swelling is not actually seen in the limbs. It’s more of an internal swelling. In the case of carpal tunnel syndrome, this swelling travels down the arms and into the carpal tunnel at the wrist.
It’s here that the swelling compresses and irritates the nerve.
Whenever I hear somebody say they have carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists I immediately check their ICV.
Now why would a persons valve go haywire? That should be the next question.
One of the most common culprits I see for a stuck Ileocecal Valve is some type of gastrointestinal imbalance, quite often stemming from a parasitic infection.
Yep. A parasitic infection.
Really, really common. Way more common than most people think. And yes, in the United States of America.
It creates havoc at the site of the valve and if it’s not dealt with the valve will never normalize.
How do we get rid of parasites?
- Herbs
- Specific nutrient supplements
- Homeopathic remedies
- Adjust the nervous system to improve communication.
Along with helping the immune system get rid of infections (if they are present), we need to work on the valve itself and then follow up with healing nutrients to the small and large intestine.
Once all that is done, the carpal tunnel pain will be a thing of the past.