7 Steps to Improve Adrenal Function

The adrenal glands are definitely one of the most stressed out glands in the human body. They take a beating, day after day.

So, I put together a quick video on 7 steps you can take to improve your adrenal function. I referenced some supplements you can take because I get a lot of questions asking what I specifically recommend!

Pink Salt

Camu Vitamin C Fruit Powder

Max B-ND



5 comments… add one
  • Leslie Dec 3, 2017 @ 12:07

    Great video, very informative! How do you find a dentist to check a cavity and wisdom teeth who knows what to look for?

  • Dr. Larsen Dec 4, 2017 @ 8:54

    One of the best ways is by referral by somebody who has been to a good dentist. You can also check the IAOMT website at http://www.iaomt.org. It’s not a guaranteed option, but it’s where I would start.

  • Edie Rowell May 13, 2020 @ 15:40

    I have been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue years ago and now have masses on both adrenal glands.4.0cm. and 4.7cm. Non cancerous. I’m having a lot of back pain at my kidney area. At times it is extreme. Who should I follow up with?

  • Dr. Larsen May 14, 2020 @ 9:10

    Follow up with your doctor first. Then you need to work with somebody who will help you with your body chemistry.

  • Diana Sep 7, 2021 @ 13:28

    wow, so glad I found this. I’ve been having adrenal problems for many many years and the past few months my lower back single joint pain has been off the charts. I’ve done everything chiropractor, acupuncture, ricky, physical therapy, spine doctors, MRIs. it all comes back normal. I just recently did a saliva test I’m waiting for the results cuz I know my adrenal glands are blown out. lots of stress in my life and recently, I had oral surgery to remove 2 45 year old root canals that I had no idea were infected. it was a horrendous surgery took me weeks to recover I had to have bone grafting with cadaver bone.
    watching this video has just made everything come full circle.
    thank you!
    I have been living on coffee and sugar and kicking it is not easy but I have to do it because I can barely walk anymore from the pain in my SI joint and muscles that are in chronic spasms.
    thank you,

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