7 Years Of Nasty Itchy Rash On Legs And Arms Gone

A mid 60’s man came to me with terribly itchy, dark red rashes on his arms, legs, stomach area and back.

He had been from doctor to doctor for the past 6 plus years. Numerous medical doctors, nutritionists, chiropractors, etc. Drugs, lotions, supplements had all been tried. He said absolutely nothing had changed.

You can see what his legs looked like when he came to me on the first visit.

Left lower leg itchy, red rash before treatment.

Right lower leg itchy, red rash before treatment.

I helped one of his friends get over a nasty leg infection the medical doctors couldn’t control, so he was interested in whatever I could do for him.

In taking his history it was obvious he had some type of fungal, parasitic type infection. They are actually much more common than people think. And the symptoms can vary from person to person.

Some people may get gastrointestinal problems, others joint pain, and still others skin issues. The sky is the limit.

I did my testing and figured out the herbs I wanted to use with him. We started to see small improvements. Every few weeks we would do a re-check and modify the herbs he was taking.

This was a rather tedious case, but he was persistent and so was I. We just kept plugging away, modifying his program every 3 weeks or so. The herbs would change as his body changed.

Each visit I worked on him mechanically and neurologically as well. Cranial adjusting was important to improve how his body was operating. It wasn’t just the herbs that did the trick. His body needed to get better recognition of the problem it was having.

Now, 8 months later you can see how smooth and rash free his legs are.

Left lower leg healed after 7 years and over 6 doctors.

Right leg healed after 7 years and over 6 doctors.

All of the rashes on his stomach and arms are gone as well. It’s amazing what the body can do when given a chance to heal.

I would say he healed up very well. It took a little longer than I would have liked, but it was a little more complicated of a case. The herbs would switch around as his body chemistry changed. It happens sometimes. But he was patient and is now reaping the rewards.


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