Be Gutsy and Go BIG | Live Your Dream Life

This has to be one of my favorite quotes of all time. I have no idea who wrote it or where I got it from, but it has stayed with me. 2012 can be a pivotal year for you if you make it count…

“Be gutsy and GO BIG or don’t go at all! There is no time in life to think small. If you’re thinking, why not think big? Anything less is a waste of time.

Don’t self-sabotage yourself, believe in what you do and what you’re about. Most people fear success so they always stop right before the finish line.

In the end, it does you no favors to lay in bed at night and think ‘What if?'”


Think about those words. Read them over and over again until you can repeat without looking. Let it sink in. You’ve got one shot. Most people are scared of making it big and living the life of their dreams. Don’t let that be you.

Take inventory. Find out where you are stopping yourself. Where do you sell yourself short?

Then, once you have found them, step up to the plate and conquer every one of them. You can do it.

The life of your dreams will be attained when you break out of the safe cage you have been living in. It’s waiting and calling, but we’re usually too scared.

You can have or be anything you choose and you are more powerful than you think you are.

To Your Greatest Dreams,

Dr. Brant

1 comment… add one
  • Eddie Jan 12, 2012 @ 12:32

    That’s a great post. I would like to say thank you for sharing your thoughts. I will for sure bookmark your site. We will never stop dreaming.

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