With the advent of Applied Kinesiology in 1964, Dr. George Goodheart changed the face of holistic medicine forever. From his original discovery that muscles could change from weak to strong, and strong to weak instantly, the field has expanded rapidly. The field now incorporates nutritional testing, craniosacral balance, acupuncture and other holistic therapies.
Many practitioners began to use Dr. Goodheart’s original concepts in their offices and expand on them, effectively creating their own “techniques” so as not to infringe on Dr. Goodheart’s copyrights.
One of the original students of Dr. Goodheart was an Oregon chiropractor Dr. Alan Beardall. Dr. Beardall’s contributions to the field of kinesiology have been immense and have come in two parts. The first part was his original expansion of the 110 muscle groups for testing. Dr. Beardall discovered that each individual muscle division (almost 300 in all according to his research) could be tested for function and neurological locking capability. This led to far greater specificity in the testing of injuries and imbalances than ever before. For example, a person with a shoulder injury could now get a specific treatment to a specific division of a specific muscle such as the posterior deltoid lateral division. All this specificity has led to a dramatic increase in the results for muscle and joint problems.
Then in 1975, Dr. Beardall again turned the world of kinesiology on end when he introduced hand modes. These hand modes (different positions of the hand) are now used to help guide the practitioner in determining the imbalances that are present. The doctor or the patient puts their hand in a specific position thus prompting the brain to check for that specific imbalance. There are now hundreds of different hand modes that allow the doctor to determine if a problem is a structural problem such as a bone out of place (subluxation), a ligament problem, muscle problem, or disc injury. And even hand modes for chemical problems such as the pH of the body, if there are infections, and what kinds of poisons are in the body.
Dr. Beardall’s understanding that the body works as an energetic computer has greatly expanded how quickly and efficiently we are able to help patients. Diagnosis is the whole key to determining the correct therapy. Without a correct diagnosis, time and energy will be wasted without the favorable outcome that is desired.
Although Dr. Beardall’s contributions have not been recognized on a large scale, practitioners across the country carry on his amazing work and we are happy to be a part of that mission.
Do you know if Dr. Beardall’s manuals are being sold anywhere?
That I do not know. I doubt it. I am probably one of the last ones to get a copy of all of his work. Fascinating stuff, but not really needed. Things have been greatly simplified. If you are looking for his detailed muscle work, Dr. Craig Buhler is probably the guy. If you are looking for more info on the hand modes, http://www.kinesiologistsunited.com is probably a good place to look.