Dental Filling Causing Full Body Muscle Weakness

The whole body works together. I think most people understand that to some degree, yet when many people see what you are about to see in this video, they want to disbelieve.


Why is it so crazy that a tooth could be causing full body muscle weakness and neurological interference?

The truth is….it isn’t when you stop to think about it. You have an INCREDIBLE number of nerve sensors in the ligaments and structures around your teeth. Think of biting into something hard like an olive pit….

Your mouth automatically opens in a blink of an eye. It’s protection.

But think about this. Your ENTIRE body responds to that stimulus as well. We have all experienced this. Your knees buckle. Your body twists, seemingly trying to get away from the olive pit (or whatever hard thing you bit into).

These are reflexes.

Now imagine this noxious input doesn’t go away. It’s there constantly, like a pebble in your shoe. The ENTIRE body is altered in some way. And this is why I find so many dental issues causing problems far removed from the mouth.

You just have to know HOW to test for this.

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