Extremely Excessive Hand Sweating Of 8 Years Duration Corrected In Teenage Girl

Can you imagine being a teenage girl and having hands so sweaty it’s as if you dipped your hands in a pool?

That is exactly what one of my patients was like.

She actually came to me because she kept spraining her ankles. During my NeuroCentric exam I quickly determined that her chronic ankle sprains were not coming from anything structural related.

Meaning, the primary cause was not from faulty joints, tendons, ligaments, etc. It wasn’t a mechanical issue.

There was actually something in her endocrine system that was creating lower leg weakness and setting her up for repeated ankle sprains.

I sometimes use the hands when I do my NeuroReactive testing and I quickly found her extremely sweaty hands. I asked her and her mom how long this had been going on and they said around 8 years. She was 13 at the time.

I started to put two and two together and realized her sweaty hands were the same problem as her chronic ankle sprains.

Fast forward through the exam and I found a whole host of microbes she was reactive to. I didn’t diagnose her with anything and I didn’t say she had anything inside her body. I’m checking to see how her nervous system responds to a challenge.

To me this is far more impactful.

For example a family of 4 can be living in a moldy home, but only 2 people are having problems. Those 2 people have a diminished ability to handle the mold. The other two family members are exposed to the same mold, but their bodies are more resilient.

My job is help make my patients more resilient so they can respond at a high level to their environment.

In this young girl I found a number herbs that would help strengthen her body and make it more resilient so she could better deal with the microbe reactivity.

In this case, I had her taking quite a number of them per day. Not always the case, but this was a deep rooted reactivity.


Her endocrine and nervous system were receiving the help they needed. Again, I didn’t diagnose her with an “infection” or anything of the sort. I observed how her body was responding to my NeuroCentric exam, and from that figured out what she needed to perform better. In this case it was a series of herbs.

The great thing was she stopped spraining her ankles as well. The muscles on the outside of her lower legs started to function how they were supposed to because the stress had been taken off the nervous system.

I didn’t have to work on her ankles. I didn’t have to have her do rehab. I didn’t prescribe her with any ankle exercises.

Her body already knew how to function correctly. It was just being interfered with.

You just never know where things may be coming from! Testing makes all the difference.


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