Facial Paralysis From Motorcycle Crash Corrected With Cranial Adjusting

A few years ago I had a mid 50’s man come in with facial paralysis on the right side. The muscles were drooping and he was constantly biting his cheek and tongue on that side.

A few months prior he had been in a motorcycle accident and was knocked unconscious in a ditch for around 4 hours. There was a small break in one of his facial bones so he obviously hit his face on the ground.

The doctors told him there was nothing that could be done for his facial paralysis and he would have to live with it.

And this is where adjusting the misaligned cranial/facial bones come into play. What I found upon examination was his right zygomatic bone was out of alignment putting pressure on the nerves to the cheek.

In the picture below the zygomatic bone is the dark blue/purple bone.

When I adjusted the bone there was a clunk when it went back into place. There was an immediate relief of symptoms and the facial paralysis was gone.

He required further cranial/facial adjustments to get his head back in working order, but that first adjustment changed his life. Without making that correction he would have lived with facial paralysis the rest of his life.

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