Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Help Me?

I have taken many nerve, cranial, scar tissue, and biochemistry expertise courses. I have helped many people who have seen a lot of doctors and haven’t been able to find help yet. If I don’t think I can help you, I will tell you.

What Type Of Treatment Does Dr. Larsen Use?

I look at the interrelationship of how the body works on a neurological and biochemical level. I apply medical reflexes in my analysis and treatment. Reflexes that have been stuffed away in a book and never used for treatment. I look at and correct scar tissue that is binding muscles and connective tissue together. I analyze the cranial bones and make the appropriate corrections. I take into consideration old traumas you have had that were never fixed in the first place. Traumas that are likely still negatively impacting your nervous system, even if far removed from your current problem. I use chiropractic adjustments to make corrections to the nervous system. I use diet modification, nutrition and herbs to make corrections to body chemistry. And more.

Everything I use is based on known tenets found in acupuncture, trigger point therapy, medical reflexes, neurology, biochemistry, and chiropractic. It’s found in laws and tenets in Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, Guyton’s Textbook of Medical Physiology, Kendall & Schwartz’s Principles of Neuroscience, Chusid’s Correlative Neuroanatomy & Functional Neurology, Orten and Neuhaus’ Human Biochemistry, Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry, Robbins’ Pathologic Basis of Disease and others. I have a science based mind, but I’m not afraid to step outside the box.

By the time somebody has called my office, they have been failed on many times. Often by very good doctors of all types. Therefore, I’m not interested in doing the same things those other doctors have done, and getting similar results. What I do is incommensurable….

What Do You Mean By Incommensurable?

Incommensurable is defined as: “not able to be judged by the same standard as something; having no common standard of measurement”.

What I do is different, plain and simple. It is very hard to compare it to what you may be used to.

I make connections with people’s problems that other doctors aren’t looking for. You can see that in the Results section. If you are looking for something that is familiar to you, and similar to what the other doctors you have seen have done, then my office might not be for you. Keep in mind, however, you will continue to get the same results.

On the other hand, if you are looking to get to the bottom of why you can’t seem to get better, I just may have what you are looking for. I am going to look at your problems with a different set of eyes and a different perspective. A perspective based on looking at neurology and biochemistry a little different.

Does Insurance Cover The Charges?

This is a common question. We are a direct pay office. Meaning, you pay us for services rendered just as you would for any other type of business. For in-state patients we will provide a coded receipt for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Whatever you agreed upon with your insurance company when you signed with them is what they will pay. We are considered out-of-network providers. Insurance coverage is an agreement with you and the company you chose. It usually takes about 3-6 weeks to receive your reimbursement.

So You Don’t Bill My Insurance Company For Me Like My Other Doctor Did?

I do not work directly with insurance companies due to the nature of my work. Insurance companies are focused on relief of symptoms as are many doctors. They are not bad for taking this approach. They are simply looking to provide you with relief from symptoms or what I would term secondary conditions. I focus on the primary condition [NeuroCentric Dysfunction] which I believe to be of greater importance. When this is corrected, the secondary conditions are not needed by the body anymore.

You Adjust The Bones Of The Head?

You bet. In fact, if I was required to sign a document limiting me to work on just one area of the body, I would pick the cranial/facial bones in a blink of an eye. No hesitation. Removing the pressure on the brain is critical.

Does Adjusting The Bones Of The Head Hurt?

Not at all. I employ several different methods to get the job done. The most common method I use is done with speed and quickness. The bones free from their restriction without the patient feeling much at all.

How Will I Feel After A Cranial Adjustment?

It really depends. Many people feel better than they have felt in years, or even decades, right after the first visit. Their head feels clearer, their body feels relaxed, headaches gone, aches and pains far removed from the head area may have vanished. Many people even report a sense of mental calmness. Some don’t even know how to describe it because it’s been so long since they have felt that way. I’ve even had many people recall old memories they had long forgotten immediately after a specific cranial adjustment.

Then again, some people don’t notice the change right away. It may take several treatments for their body to respond. That is perfectly normal as well.

Do You Do CranioSacral Therapy?

No. CranioSacral Therapy is taught mainly to massage therapists. It is extremely light touch. It involves holding a contact on the sacrum and occiput often for up to 45 minutes. It can be of benefit, but I do something different.

I was taught and have continued to refine a technique that utilizes more energy in the adjustments. It is applied in a specific and concise direction to correct the position of the misaligned cranial bones. These cranial adjustments are the fan favorite of my patients and is what most of them look forward to each visit.



Copyright 2004-2025 © Brant A. Larsen, D.C., P.A. All rights reserved.