Dr. Larsen Rockin’ The Hair Net At Feed My Starving Children

Forget Johnny Weir rockin’ the tassel, I think I rocked the hair net pretty darn good.

What do you think?

If you get a chance to volunteer for the group Feed My Starving Children…


My wife Nicole and I went with some friends and had an absolute blast.

It was held at Eaglebrook Church in White Bear Lake. You need to make reservations because it fills up fast. Then show up and get your hair net (you get to keep it..score!) They’ll show you a video about how they are helping victims of the Haiti earthquake and other children.

Most of the kids are lucky to get 1 meal a day and they’re considered rich if they get 2.

Well, our friends and a whole room full of caring people packed enough food in an hour and a half to feed 126 children for an entire year.

They get a combination of a chicken flavored mix, dried vegetables, soy protein, and rice. It’s a specially formulated blend by Cargill to be vegetarian. A large part of the world is vegetarian for one reason or another so they made it for everybody. Some are vegetarian for religious reasons, and some because they don’t have access to meat regularly.

Everybody had a job from scooping food into a funnel, to holding the bag below the funnel, keeping the workers supplied with food, packing the boxes, sealing the bags (my job), and more.

The people that work for Feed My Starving Children were fun, had a great sense of humor, and played music the whole time.

There was whooping and hollering, people cheering when their group packed a box, and just a lot of energy in the place.

In short…

It was an absolute blast.

And, you feel so good walking out because you made a difference.

As I write this I am ironically doing an Isagenix cleanse day. It’s about 11:00 in the morning and I’m a little hungry, but it pales in comparison to those kids so many thousands of miles away.

If you can’t do one day without food to better your health every month or so, I would suggest learning more about what these children have to go through EVERY day.

We are so lucky, yet we squander our good fortune away.

These children are born into lives where good health is not much of an option…

while we CHOOSE to throw our already good health out the window.

Our oldest son Owen is always wondering when his next meal is going to be and what we are having. Both my wife and I said we wish he could have been there to see how lucky he has it.

We are definitely going to do more of this and include our kids when they get older.

Go to Feed My Starving Children to learn more.

Believe me you won’t regret it.

I have one request. Send this post to everybody you know. Post it to your Facebook account. If you have a Twitter account hit that green button up there and retweet it.

Everybody needs to have the option of experiencing the joy we had helping other people.

Oh, and feel free to leave some comments on how well we looked in those hair nets!


Dr. Larsen and Friends At Feed My Starving Children

3 comments… add one
  • Tammy Feb 23, 2010 @ 18:28

    AWESOME! It is great to help others and a wonderful feeling. Yes we are very lucky and most of us take that for granted. LOVE the hair nets!!!

  • HD Feb 23, 2010 @ 19:02

    The employees of Feed My Starving Children had blue hair nets. I was kind of jealous…

  • Emily Mar 25, 2010 @ 23:57

    This was a great experience! I’m glad we were all able to do it together and I’ll try to plan a day soon to do it again. And you’re definitely right about how great the staff was from Feed My Starving Children – they made it an incredible and uplifting experience for all of us!

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