This is where I get to play a little Sherlock Holmes (one of my favorite characters of all time).
This woman came to me with pain in her jaw, neck, shoulders, feet, fatigue, and probably more I don’t remember.
In my exam I traced a lot of her neurological muscle weaknesses back to a particular tooth. This tooth had an old gold crown on it.
I told her I would try to help her without having to mess with the tooth, but I really thought it was the root of the problem.
A few visits in, she was better, but not enough for me to be excited about. I like big changes whenever possible. And this wasn’t a big change. I suspected we weren’t going to get very far without having her fix the tooth.
So, I sent her to the only dentist I recommend. He didn’t find anything on his scans or his exam. Said it looked good.
So, I double checked my work.
Nope. That tooth is definitely a problem I told her.
Go back and see if he will take the crown off and see what it actually looks like underneath.
You see, x-rays won’t show what is under a metal crown. The metal completely blocks the view. You realistically haven’t a clue what the previous dentist did in there, or what has happened since.
Sure enough….I was right. There was corrosion, decay, and part of an old silver (mercury) filling.

Corroded Gold Dental Crown
Kind of hard to see, but the dentist was stunned at what was inside.
Who knows what kind of weird electric charges were happening in there. Remember, a battery is simply 2 opposing metals in a saline type solution. And a battery in your head is never a good idea.
So, they got the tooth all cleaned up and put a new crown on.
And lo and behold she dramatically improved by her next visit with me just a few days later. Somewhere around 70-80%.
She was all smiles and gave me a big hug. Said she didn’t know anybody else who could have possibly figured that out. Now we just have some residual things to clean up since her body was compensating for so long.
And…2 more gold crowns to eventually take care of. But, my testing revealed which one to do first, and we have taken care of that major stress to her body.
Never underestimate the importance of your teeth. The nerves that go to them relay so much important information to the brain. Something wrong in your teeth can have body-wide effects.
How many chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, massages, etc. do you want to get, when the problem was in a tooth all along?