North Branch Woman Finds TMJ Pain Improved After Just 1 Visit

Unlike many testimonials I do not have a dramatic story of having suffered terribly for years, to have Dr. Larsen miraculously cure me in one visit.  I only wish, but that is not my style.  My story is more subtle, but none the less a testimony to his abilities. My daughter brought me to Dr. Larsen.  She had been seeing him for some time and for my Christmas present last year she gave me an initial consultation.  I had intended to go see him for several months, but just kept putting it off.  This was just the impetus I needed.  I wanted to see him primarily because over the past year the visits to my then current chiropractor had become increasingly less productive and more and more painful – I dreaded each appointment that I set.  I knew I needed a change in direction.

My initial consultation/treatment went very well, and over the next 3-4 months I was increasingly amazed with the results after each treatment.  Unlike every other chiropractor I had seen, Dr. Larsen did not insist that I come in 3 times a week in order to make any progress with my problems.  Rather, he indicated that my body would guide my treatment schedule, and this is working wonderfully.

On two separate occasions, Dr. Larsen had asked if I was experiencing problems/pain in a specific area.  I was, although I had not mentioned it to him or anyone else for that matter.  In each instance after his adjustment, there was tremendous improvement.  In the case of my jaw, which my previous chiropractor had been adjusting for over a year with marginal improvement, after just one cranial adjustment from Dr. Larsen the discomfort was almost completely gone.

Although his approach and philosophies may be viewed with skepticism and appear nontraditional they have provided much reduction in my back/hip pain, and jaw discomfort in a very short time.  After each visit I have an inner sense (and this is very difficult to put into words) of enthusiasm, excitement or strength.  Instead of dreading my appointments, I look forward to my appointments and to achieving new levels of progress on my path to wellness. My only wish is that I had heard of Dr. Larsen years ago!

Renee DeSteno
North Branch, MN

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