Painful Fingers Recover After Removing Nightshades

A fairly common finding in my patients with knobs on their fingers, arthritis type symptoms and osteoporosis is an inability to break down the nightshade family of foods.

These foods include tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, paprika, tobacco and eggplant. There are others, but these are the main offenders.

In normally find this problem using NeuroReactive Testing, but symptoms alone can clue you in.

The following testimonial is from a patient of mine who had great success. In her case it took quite a long time for the pain to go away. This is not always the case. It all depends on how inefficient the person is in excreting the breakdown chemical of nightshades — alpha solanine.

“For several years I had a hard, swollen, red joint in my little finger. My other finger joints had some swelling, but it was my little finger that ached. I had a baseline bone scan done in my late 40’s. My doctor called with the results, stating I had serious osteoporosis. I was put on Fosamax.

I have done AK Chiropractic for thirty years and had asked about my little finger, but nothing came up. When I first saw Dr. Larsen I asked him about the hard swelling and pain. He immediately tested me for nightshades/solanine sensitivity and I tested positive.

I completely stopped eating nightshades and I took Thera Supreme. It took about a year to no longer have the hard swelling, redness and pain. I have now been off nightshades for 3 1/2 years. It has been amazing to see my fingers recover especially my little finger. I have been amazed at the lack of pain. I had become used to the constant ache and now it is totally gone. I didn’t realize how painful it had been.

I have been off Fosamax for several years now and continue to have bone scans free of osteoporosis. I believe my nightshade free diet has resulted in my healthy bones.”


Like I mentioned, this was more of an extreme case. In many people it will take several weeks to a month or two to notice the difference after getting off nightshades.

NOTE: There are usually other things to work on in these types of patients as well. Chemicals, heavy metals, fungus [and other microbes] all contribute to the painful joints.

I now also work on the actual joints to release scar tissue binding the joints together, after discovering some very powerful techniques. I know I could have helped Claudia improve much faster.

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