PH Definitely Affects Your Life and Disease

Anything living depends on a certain environment in order to not only survive, but to grow and thrive. One of the most important factors that impacts the environment is pH…

The balance between acid elements and alkaline elements.

Let’s take a look at how pH affects life.

Plants need the soil that they live in to have an optimal pH. If the pH is off a little bit, growth will not be optimal. If it’s off by a lot, the plant will literally DIE.

Just like plants, fish require an optimal environment to live in. For example, the water that fish swim around in, and the coral reefs that are so vitally important to our entire ecosystem must be properly pH balanced and regulated in order for life to happen. Too much acid throws off balance and destroys life.

As a matter of fact, EVERYTHING in life…must have a properly pH balanced environment in the inside AND the outside of it – ‘in order to live’.

Your body is no different. If you want to experience a VIBRANT body and a VIBRANT life you need to create a vibrant environment on the inside of your body…and that starts with the right pH.

Inner balance…pH balance…will create the outer balance you desire.

In terms of your body, the optimal pH for your blood and fluids that make up over 70% of your body weight is roughly 7.37. That means a pH that’s slightly alkaline.

If your body becomes acidic, which is like a 6 on the pH scale, problems begin. If it becomes chronically acidic, you now have the type of environment that breeds a whole host of health problems.

Research shows a direct correlation between excess acidity and obesity, diabetes, arthritis, acid reflux, colitis, IBS, allergies, fibromyalgia, fatigue, and on and on.

So, the first question you might have is…”OK, how do I know what the pH of my body is?” The answer is simple…


Come to the office so we can test your pH!

We can test saliva, and we can test urine. Each of these body fluids must be properly pH balanced.

I can’t emphasize this enough…the regulation of your pH is as important to your health as the regulation of temperature is. If you had  a fever of 101 and your body is out of its REQUIRED temperature range of 98-99 degrees, you would probably attempt to do something about it, before you started worrying about a few extra pounds…


PH is no different. If you’re too acidic, NOTHING in your body is going to work right…

The body has a priority list just like we do in our day to day life. And regulating a proper pH is one of the tops on the list.

So, get your pH checked now!

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