Pharmacist’s Migraines Gone After Removing Two Foods From Diet

A pharmacist came to see me with debilitating migraines 3 days out of every week. Hard to think she even had a job with how many days she missed.

I took my usual history, then moved into the exam. In my office I look at the structure of a person, the body chemistry and also the mental/emotional piece.

In this case I had to make several cranial bone corrections, and few spinal adjustments. But the ultimate trigger for her migraines was not her structure….

It was food sensitivities, specifically corn and soy.

When she removed the offending foods, the migraines stopped immediately. With the testing I do in the office I was able to pinpoint the foods within minutes.

She moved away so I was never able to help her overcome the food sensitivities, but at least she didn’t have migraines anymore.


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