Severe Digestive Problems – Ulcerative Colitis – Dramatically Helped

A young woman in her 20’s came to me with several diagnoses over the years. They had diagnosed her with ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, and pretty much every other bowel trouble you can imagine. It seemed they were grasping to figure out what was going on.

She was on some high powered experimental drugs at the time, but nothing seemed to be helping her.

She was referred in by another patient who I had helped with her digestive issues. While she was skeptical that a chiropractor could help her, her parents, who were paying for the visit figured they had nothing to lose. They had run out of drugs to try.

I did my consultation and explained to them I look at people from a mechanical, chemical and psychological perspective. It’s called the triad of health. The true cause of problems lie somewhere in those categories.

I did my exam and found numerous cranial imbalances, spinal adjustments to be made, scar tissue around the organs and more structural/mechanical work to be done.

I also found a few food sensitivities and some herbs to help balance her bowels.

I made the appropriate corrections to her structure, recommended her to lay off a few foods and gave her some herbs to take. I saw her about once per week.

And this is where it gets really interesting….

Within a few weeks she was spiking a 102 fever 5-6 times per day. It would last for about 15-20 minutes, then she would drop back down. Her body was being activated to put up a fight. Remember, a fever is something the body is intentionally doing to kill some type of infection.

The last thing you want to do is artificially lower the fever. If she did this, she would have been stopping her body’s natural cleansing process. Yeah, fevers aren’t fun, but they are necessary and a powerful healing agent.

In this case her fevers spiked daily for about 2 weeks. Then something amazing happened.

If you are squeamish I would stop reading right now!

She went to the bathroom to have a bowel movement. And when she was finishing up she noticed a giant translucent looking sac the size of an egg in the toilet. She said it looked like a very large grape.

Inside this sac were all kinds of things that she could not identify. She quickly flushed the toilet and went on with the day.

But, her fevers stopped from that point on.

And…..her bowel problems vanished never to return.

I don’t know what that thing was. Parasites maybe? All I know is I made the corrections I needed to make, gave her the herbs her body was calling for, and let her body do the rest.

The body is amazing when you give it a chance. This was one of those home run cases. I don’t always get to see this, but when I do it’s the highlight of the week.


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