You just never know where something is coming from until you take a good open-minded history and do the right testing.
A high school girl recently came to me with severe shoulder pain in her throwing arm. She is a softball catcher who needs to be able to gun the ball down to second base on an attempted steal.
But here she was with months and months of pain. The pain was so bad she had to opt out of her summer season, only attempting to play a few times….but the pain was too great.
When I did the NeuroPro Kinesiology testing on this young girl none of the muscles were firing in her entire body.
This means it’s as if there was some type of dimmer switch on her muscles. You could do all the rehab you want and it would never fix this problem.
Something was severely blocking her brain’s ability to communicate with her muscles and tissues.
No wonder she had so much pain.
Like I mentioned earlier, you just never know where it can be coming from. And you need to have an open mind about it.
- I’ve seen these problems come from a struggling organ that needed the right nutrients.
- I’ve seen them come from a neck vertebrae out of place or stuck.
- I’ve seen them come from a slipped tendon that I had to set back in place.
- I’ve seen them come from scar tissue that needed to be released.
- I’ve seen them come from stuck cranial bones.
The options are endless if you are looking for the true cause.
In this case the culprit was from a set of metal dental retainers top and bottom. The upper retainer was neurologically inhibiting the upper body, and the lower retainer was neurologically inhibiting the lower body.

Upper dental retainer locking the two maxilla bones together.

Lower dental retainer. These seem to have a huge effect on the lower body.
I don’t know how to say this any other way than….
The Cranial Bones Need To Move!
You can’t lock them together and expect the body to be okay with it.
At least not long term.
The body will go through it’s own unique way of compensating when you lock the cranial bones with retainers. Each person will be different. Some people won’t notice anything. But in others the consequences can be devastating.
In my patient the skull compression was drastically altering how her shoulder muscles were working. The shoulder is a complex joint where all the muscles need to be operating perfectly for the timing to be correct.
You are probably somewhat aware that a car engine needs to have the correct timing to work properly. If the timing is off, the entire engine suffers and things can break.
Same with the shoulder. When one group of muscles contracts, other muscles need to relax. This is a highly coordinated neurological function that we don’t think twice about….
….Until it doesn’t work right.
My job is to figure out WHY it doesn’t work right and help the body restore it’s natural function.
In this case it was simply removing dental retainers. I showed her what they were doing to her muscles, and she opted to get them removed and just wear the plastic removable ones at night.
She came in the next visit all smiles. The pain was gone. She is now starting to throw with zero pain.
And every muscle in her body was now neurologically working correctly. Her body had it’s “timing” back. No need for rehab or exercises. Her body already knows what to do. It just needed somebody to help remove the barrier. She already tried rehab and it just made it worse. And this was the reason why! You can’t rehab until the brain has regained full control of the muscles and the joint.
An in many cases you don’t need rehab once you help the body regain the control.
A few office visits to clean up any muscle/tendon injuries along with some cranial adjusting to reestablish the normal rhythm, and she should be good to go.
Note: I never tell patients to get their permanent wire dental retainers removed. I show them what is happening to their neuromuscular system before and after stimulation to the retainer. They make their own decisions. And if they do choose to get them removed, I always tell them to wear the plastic retainers at night to preserve their orthodontic investment. All three of my children had braces as well!