Suntan Stimulator And Skin Protection

With the Independence Day holiday coming up I know many, many people will be soaking up the sun’s rays.

This is a good thing. The sun is very important for your health.

However, the vast majority of people don’t really understand it.

Instead of utilizing the rays properly, they want to pile on loads of sunscreen so they are “protected”. In certain scenarios this can be of benefit. Like direct sun exposure hours on end with no shade. Or a family history of serious skin problems.

But for most people who are just out for a shorter amount of time this isn’t the way to go.

Instead, you want to build your skins resilience and make sure it has all the building blocks it needs.

You see, a sunburn happens when tissue calcium is depleted.

As the sun’s rays hit the skin, vitamin D is manufactured. And vitamin D takes the calcium out of the tissues and puts it into the bloodstream.

Did you get that?

The more vitamin D you are making, the more tissue calcium is dropping.

And most people are deficient in calcium for various reasons. We have covered some of that in the past, and we’ll be covering it more as we go along.

And no, your daily 6 glasses of pasteurized milk aren’t going to cut it. Calcium may be in there, but you sure aren’t extracting it very efficiently.

When it comes to the sun, the other deficiency people have is vitamin F.

What? Never heard of it?

It’s the original name for the essential fatty acids.

And once again, most people are deficient in the correct fatty acids. Sure, we get a ton of junk fats, hydrogenated oils, partially hydrogenated and the like. But most people don’t get enough of the good fats.

Here is a protocol using Biotics Research products.

Before Tanning
4 Ca/Mg Zyme before and 3 per hour during exposure
4 Flax Seed Oil 2 hours before and 1 per hour during exposure
Coconut oil topically

After Tanning
Rub skin with coconut oil
6 Flax Seed Oil per day [ some cases up to 15]

If You Burn
10 Intenzyme Forte ASAP after burning, then 5 four times per day on empty stomach
Ca/Mg Zyme 3 per waking hour for first 2 days, then 3 with each meal
And of course Flax Seed Oil

For those who are patients, I have a different version of this you can ask me about. It’s not any better, just uses Standard Process. I like both companies, but Standard Process cannot be sold to people who are not a patient in some form.

These emails go out to people across the world, so I want to make sure everybody has the tools they need.

And I don’t make recommendations of products or companies I have no knowledge of. I have some stories I will share soon about what happens even at high quality supplement companies.

You will be shocked and appalled.

It’s why I keep my recommendations very tight to a few select companies like Biotics Research. There is a lot of slick marketing going on in this world.

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