The Truth About Bone Spurs

One of the more common ailments that plague people as they get older is bones spurs.

Those painful spots where the body has “mistakenly” put more bone than you need, right?

The vast majority of my patients think their spurs are the result of too much calcium. They believe the excess of calcium creates the spurs.

But this is actually the opposite of the truth.

The truth is the person is lacking calcium. Yes, you read that right. The body of a bone spur former is actually lacking calcium.

You see when the body is running out of calcium it has to pull from the storage site….

The bones and teeth.

The blood calcium is more important for survival since it’s necessary for healing wounds, clotting of blood, stimulation of enzymes and control of the passage of body fluids through the cells and tissue walls.

But when the body pulls the calcium out of storage it still has to try to maintain the structural integrity of the sagging body architecture.

What does it do?

It builds spurs and other bony deposits!

It’s a patch job. The calcium is supposed to be on the inside of the bone to create structural integrity, but since the body had to pull it out for vital body functions, it slaps some on the outside in key places to try to keep it strong.

Read that over again.

It’s a patch job!

The body is actually behaving in a highly intelligent way. It’s keeping you alive and it’s trying to keep your structure together.

But most people believe that bone spurs are abnormal and the body is confused. Do you see why this couldn’t be farther from the truth?

The answer then is to make sure you are ingesting, absorbing and utilizing calcium.

I can’t possibly go into all the factors involved in that here, but that’s what these emails are for. Little by little I hope to put the pieces together for you.

Many people are calcium deficient so you can start there. But I really wouldn’t go to the store and just buy calcium.

It’s usually in a form the body can’t digest and it’s not balanced. You have to consider magnesium and phosphorus as well.

I will often use Calcium Lactate from Standard Process.

And for those of you who are not patients I like Ca/Mg-Zyme from Biotics because it’s balanced and I know the quality is good.

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