Tungsten Wedding Ring Causing Shoulder Pain

I had a video of this case at one point, but something happened to it.

I had a patient come in with chronic left shoulder pain. He was in his upper 60’s and had the pain for around 3 years.

When I did the NeuroCentric Strength Analysis on him, virtually all of his left shoulder/arm  muscles were not functioning correctly. Whenever this happens, there is going to be something higher up the chain causing this dysfunction.

I started looking around his body searching for the answer but found nothing. Then, I noticed his wedding ring. I had never checked a wedding ring before, but you never know unless you check. Right?!

To my amazement and his, once he took the wedding ring off, ALL of his shoulder/arm muscles became instantly neurologically facilitated [strong]. I asked him when he got married. He said it was a third marriage so about 3 years ago….

Then the light bulb went on in his head! Wow. He started thinking about it and sure enough, it was shortly after he was married when his arm started hurting.

I could have been working on him for months with little to no results if I didn’t have this kind of knowledge about neurology.

It was as simple a fix as taking off his ring. Why did this ring bother him? I can’t say for sure. All I know is he returned to normal quickly and never had the pain again.

[UPDATE 2020]: After seeing many of these types of patients and further making correlations, I have found in many people if they have some type of a metal crown or implant in their mouth on the same side as the ring, this will cause problems.

Something with the conductivity of the two metals on the same side of the body creates a neurological reaction. At the time of this patient, I hadn’t discovered this.

It is very likely he had a crown of some kind on the left half of his mouth. Virtually everybody I see at that age has some type of major dental work [usually quite extensive]. And often using metals such as gold.

And from what I have seen, if he had that metal crown fixed, he could have worn his ring again. This is just the majority. Some people with this problem may not have any dental work.

I have also seen breast implants create this neurological reaction as well.

24 comments… add one
  • Wendy Crisp Feb 29, 2012 @ 14:39

    I have the same problem. It seems to happen with more than one of my rings, both of which are made of different metals. I wish I knew what it was specifically. I periodically go to a friend who muscle tests. I have difficulty muscle testing myself with accuracy. I will have to try to narrow the cause down. 🙂

  • Matt Shields Mar 22, 2013 @ 12:40

    I think I have been having the same problem!
    I’ve been having pain in my left elbow/forearm for YEARS now. Right when I got married, I also started a tax practice and I thought the elbow pain was coming from leaning to much on my left arm so I would try different chairs with no arm rests, try not to rest on my elbow, try to exercise my elbow and arm in different ways.
    Just yesterday I had the thought that “You also starting wearing that ring back then” and I’m not going to wear it this whole weekend and see how I feel. This is the only link I could find when I Googled to research this issue. Thanks for posting this!

  • Dr. Larsen Mar 22, 2013 @ 13:35

    Well good luck! I hope it ends your search for pain relief. It certainly did for the man in my office that day. Post a comment back here and let me know what happens. I’m curious…

  • Paul Bradley Oct 20, 2013 @ 4:26

    Thanks for uploading this. I have been having problems with my ring finger ever since I have been married (June 2012) and I thought it could have been due to my tungsten ring, and this has pretty much confirmed it. My pain has not moved any further up my hand or arm, but I do suffer from a lot of pain in the finger itself. I have not had any muscle tests but the pain actually feels more like it is in the joint?? Would you recommend that I see someone for tests? And I’m guessing leaving my ring off would probably be advised?! Please could you contact me by email.
    Thanks gain
    Paul Bradley (UK)

  • Dr. Larsen Oct 20, 2013 @ 8:27

    Hi Paul, Yes, this could very well be your problem. I would just stop wearing the ring for a period of time and see if this helps. You just never know until you try it.

  • Jason Feb 2, 2018 @ 20:56

    This is quite amazing to hear….I too have had a joint pain that developed over time since my marriage in 2012 to my Tungsten ring. So I would take it off and leave it for a few days while the joint pain would go away…but yet to come back when after a day to a couple days of wearing it. So, i just wear it to special events now, and tell people i forgot to wear it after massaging my wife. Lol

  • Dr. Larsen Feb 3, 2018 @ 8:09

    Yes, it is interesting. I’m not really sure why it happens, or if it has anything to do with Tungsten. I’ve only seen this particular problem once. I have a Tungsten ring as well, but it doesn’t bother me.

  • JS ADAMS Nov 11, 2018 @ 14:38

    I too have been experiencing pain with a tungsten-carbide ring. It’s in and around the knuckle of my ring finger. I guess some people have a sensitivity with some metals. My wife cannot wear certain earrings made from certain metals either. Glad to hear I am not the only one having this issue.

  • Dr. Larsen Nov 12, 2018 @ 7:00

    Yes, you are not alone. Everybody seems to react differently. I even noticed on one of my patients that a ring was causing his arm pain, but the real culprit was actually a gold crown on the same side. Without the gold grown, he could have likely worn the ring with no problem.

  • Kay Aug 8, 2020 @ 14:53

    Was this gold crown on the molar.

    I have right shoulder pain I think it’s either related to my Right ring finger or my right back molar

  • Dr. Larsen Aug 9, 2020 @ 9:27

    This person had a tungsten wedding ring causing shoulder muscle dysfunction.

  • Ron fox Jun 27, 2021 @ 16:20

    This is crazy. I replaced my gold wedding ring with a tungsten one and over time experienced joint pain, first in my fingers on my left hand, then moving up to my elbow and into my left bicep and shoulder. My bicep would burn deep inside like I tore it. I took off my tungsten ring and started wearing these new silicone ones and noticed that the pain went away in about a week. Occasionally I put the tungsten ring back on and in a day or two my fingers begin to ache. I realized the ring seemed to be the culprit and googled it, leading me here.

  • Dr. Larsen Jun 28, 2021 @ 8:03

    I’m glad you found the answer to your pain. Amazing, isn’t it? Everybody is different. I can wear a tungsten ring no problem, but some people can’t. And that goes for every other metal as well.

  • AC Fogle Oct 10, 2021 @ 22:42

    Can this happen with other metals than tungsten? My husband has been having really bad shoulder and neck pain on his left side since we have been married! If this is the case we will get a silicone one!

  • Dr. Larsen Oct 11, 2021 @ 7:03

    Anything can bother anyone. Luckily taking a wedding ring off for awhile is an easy thing to test.

  • Mehnaz Feb 17, 2022 @ 8:38

    Wow! I had a similar experience this past week. I strained my neck on the right side about a week ago, but I felt a shooting pain down my arm and into my hands. I figured it could be a pinched nerve or carpal tunnel, but then I realized I was wearing a new ring on my right hand that was a bit tight (I also have a gold dental crown on my right!). I removed the ring and suddenly felt significant relief. I still have some soreness in neck/shoulder due to the neck strain, but the ring was adding pressure/pain. I am not entirely back to normal, but something has shifted for the better. I am wondering if I was wearing the ring for a couple of weeks (off at night but on all day), would it take a few days to experience full relief once it’s totally off the finger?

  • Dr. Larsen Feb 17, 2022 @ 14:02

    It all depends if the body had adapted and if those adaptations are still there. If the adaptations are cleared up, the problem will resolve, if not then they will have to be dealt with and full relief won’t happen until you do that.

  • Dean Marsh Sep 11, 2022 @ 14:05

    I got married Friday and have a tungsten wedding ring, it’s only because I have had severe should pain since yesterday my friend has been online to find this, I have taken the ring off and within 4 hours the pain has completely gone, I put it back on with this in mind and within the hour it has started again, I can’t explain to this to be honest but when I put it on my right hand finger I have none of the symptoms…. Very strange but it proves to me I now need to buy another ring as I can’t stop it happening, Evan removed my watch etc to see if anything else was playing part of this but the same keeps happening no matter what I do, shame as I really like the ring

  • Dr. Larsen Sep 11, 2022 @ 14:29

    Do you have any other type of metal on the left side of your body? I have since noticed that people often have a metal dental crown on the same side. In many people it’s been the combination of the two, not just the ring (any kind of metal, tungsten was just the metal in this patient).

  • John L. Nov 27, 2022 @ 16:57

    I believe I have the same
    problem with Tungsten. I often don’t wear wedding rings. I had worn my gold ring for a few years then stopped with work requirements. That ring became too small to wear. I bought some cheap silicone and tungsten rings off Amazon. I put on the tungsten ring around noon but noticed in less than an hour that my fingers felt both painful and numb. It feels something like carpal tunnel from my shoulder to tips of ring and pinkie finger. I had the ring on for about 90 minutes but took it off. I then went looking for health problems from Tungsten and here I am. I found more pages on Tungsten powder exposure but this is different. 11-27-2022

  • Dr. Larsen Nov 28, 2022 @ 8:57

    Yep. It happens. And can happen with any metal.

  • Tricia Austin Nov 30, 2022 @ 9:06

    Holy Crap! Me too! I just got a band yesterday and woke up in the middle of the night. My ring and pinkie finger had joint pain and stiffness. I took it off and it’s better this morning. I’ll have to inspect my mouth for dental work 😉. So glad to get a definitive answer. Thanks!

  • Dr. Larsen Nov 30, 2022 @ 10:07

    Yes. Let me know if you also have any metal dental work. Especially on the same side as the ring.

  • Jake Worldwide Jun 20, 2023 @ 23:13

    I needed to pop in here to thank you for this wonderful discovery, and posting it on the Internet for all of us to find, I would like to add to the problem by pointing out that Apple Watch is made out of recycled tungsten. I found the problem went away when I stopped using my tungsten ring and came back when I got an Apple Watch. Unfortunately I guess this means I don’t get to be an Apple Watch person.

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