Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) Resolves In 1 Month On Protocol

I get emails and requests all the time on whether I can fix certain conditions or symptoms. I always have to be clear…

I don’t fix conditions or symptoms. I help the body make corrections and remove dysfunction that may be causing the ailment in the first place.

So when I got a phone call about whether I could fix Vocal Cord Dysfunction (I had never heard of it before), you now know what my answer was.

This late teens boy was game, and his parents were game.  They had been everywhere trying to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it. Many different drugs had been used with no results.

During his exam and consultation it seemed to me that he had some type of chronic infection in his throat.

I figured out the herbs I was going to use with him and made some adjustments to his trachea cartilage, hyoid bone, and tongue.

Within 1 month he was symptom free for the first time in years.

In his particular case he had a chronic infection that needed herbs to help his body remove it. But he also needed treatment to his neck area to relieve the congestion and stagnation that caused it in the first place.

He must of had some type of injury to his throat that created dysfunction in how his body was able to clear poison and work efficiently. We never figured out what that was, but that’s okay. We made the correction and he got better.

Before him I had never heard of Vocal Cord Dysfunction. The interesting thing is I had another case within the month (strange) and was able to help that patient as well.

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