You’re Just Used To It

About a month ago, my car finally keeled over on me.

I had been driving this car ever since chiropractic school, so it was definitely time for a new one. Because I don’t just work on people, I also fix my own cars, I was able to keep it going for more years than it probably should have gone.

But this time, I was not going to fix it anymore.

It was time to scrap it, and move on.

Now, I have always been a big Dodge guy. I always liked their muscle cars, so I always bought a Dodge.

However, Dodge didn’t make what we were looking for so I had to venture into the General Motors land.

I wasn’t too happy about it, but I’m also not stuck on just one brand.

So we ended up getting a GMC Acadia.

Very nice car. We are extremely pleased with it, but every time somebody asks me about it, I always  mention that I don’t like GM steering.

Huh? Is the answer I quite often get

Most of the people that I know really like Chevy’s, GMC’s, etc. so they are completely used to driving with General Motors steering.

I, however, am used to driving Dodge’s with tight steering.

The Acadia is loose.

So now, every time I get in my Ram truck, it takes me a little bit to get used to it again.

It was actually quite funny the first few times. I would literally be driving and wiggling my hand back and forth like you need to do with a GM vehicle.

Now I’m not saying one is better than the other, but I am definitely more used to Dodge steering since I have been driving them most of my life.

But just this morning as I was driving in the Acadia I  realized this is much like what happens to our health.

We get used to things and don’t know any different.

I can’t tell you how many people come in and describe things that they say is normal.

Things like…

Having diarrhea after eating eggs. Everybody has that right?

Or, “the normal headache”. Huh? No such thing. If you have a headache, there is a problem.

Or feeling gassy after a meal. Or just having gas in general every day.

Or “the normal joint pain”.

And I could go on and on.

The point is that we become used to these things, just like I became used to a certain feel to the steering wheel.

In the case of the vehicles, one is not necessarily better than the other, but in the case of your health…


Thinking that a headache once per week is normal isn’t something you just want to get used to.

It’s something you want to get to the bottom of because it is warning you of problems inside the body.

And what happens if you ignore problems?

They get BIGGER!

They get meaner.

And they get harder, and harder to correct later on.

We all know that.

So if you have been on the fence with your health, and  you have never made an appointment with our office, do it today!

Time is of the essence.

As of today we have been in our current office for 1 year. We have thoroughly enjoyed our new space with the nice big windows and great energy.

And for a 1 year anniversary special,  we are offering the new patient exam for only $75.

This is our gift to you. All new patient appointments must be scheduled by the end of this week to get the special price. (Thursday, July 3rd, 2014)

Just call 651-982-1804 to schedule.

This will be the last time we offer our new patient exam this low again.

So if you want to get in, or know somebody who has been putting it off, now is the time.


Dr. Brant

P.S. Don’t just get used to feeling crummy. Do something about it. You’ll regret it later on, if you don’t take action now.


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