Sinus Troubles? Concussion? Poor Concentration? Balance Problems? Learning Disorders? Feel Like You’re In A Fog?

There is a vastly underutilized treatment that has been around since the 1920’s.

On the patient side, I know what it’s like to suffer from concussions, sinus congestion and chronic ear infections.

As a kid I had constant sinus congestion, allergy symptoms and a “stuffed head”.

It seemed the tissue box was my best friend. Always on my night stand. Piles of used wads on the floor by my bed when I woke up in the morning.

It wasn’t fun.

I also know what it’s like to have your “bell rung”, or in other words… get a concussion.

I’ve had several in my life, probably more than I realize. Being a football running back and linebacker can takes its toll on your head. Luckily, I found answers before it was too late.

The answers came in several forms, but one of the most important was an underutilized treatment that was first pioneered in the 1920’s and was further expanded upon and developed into a tremendous healing art in the 1970’s & 1980’s.

With the understanding the bones of the skull move and this motion is critical for life, we need a way to release the restrictions from injury. We need to work on our cranial system.

I’ve been intensely studying the cranial system for over 20 years since I first learned about it. I’ve bought every rare, out of print book I can find tracing the history of this amazing therapy.

And what I found astonished me. I learned there was far more to this than I ever could have imagined. Far more than what some people call craniosacral therapy. And when I put my new skills to use in my practice I was even more astonished.

Cranial Correction

The more I studied and perfected my technique, the more I became aware of what was really happening with my patients. They were going through profound neurological changes.

By focusing on making changes at the brain and nerve level, we can make amazing changes throughout the body in many cases.

The cranial system is where I find the most interesting and amazing findings with patients bar none. When you read through the results people have had at my office Results, you will notice many of them revolved around improving the function of the cranial system.

And we’re talking wide-ranging symptoms here. From headaches, neck pain and fatigue, to foot pain, whole body pain and even saving a young girl from a highly invasive lower leg surgery.

It’s one of the most fascinating things I have ever experienced in my life, yet barely anybody is talking about it.

Think you don’t have a problem with your Cranial System?

I suggest you think again…

Here are some of the most common problems associated with a restricted cranial system:

  • If you had a difficult birth [I will argue it’s the vast majority of us]
  • Born with a cone head or had a flat spot for an extended time
  • If you’ve ever hit your head
  • If you’ve ever had a concussion [yes, getting your ‘bell rung’ is basically the same thing]
  • If you ever had a traumatic brain injury
  • I you have ever been in a car accident [whether you hit your head or not]
  • If you suffer with chronic sinus problems
  • If you suffer with chronic migraines
  • If you are a mouth breather
  • Have had or need orthodontic braces
  • Wear a dental retainer
  • If you suffer with vision problems
  • If you suffer with TMJ problems
  • If your bite is off
  • If you have hearing problems
  • If you suffer with balance/dizziness problems
  • If you suffer from chronic ear infections [boy did I ever have these…]
  • Learning disorders
  • Anger issues
  • Speech disorders
  • Nasal congestion
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sensitivity to noise
  • Unsteady gait/difficulty walking
  • Fainting spells
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Decrease/loss of smell
  • Decrease/loss of taste
  • Difficulty concentrating/forgetfulness
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Brain fog
  • Impatient
  • Depressed
  • Lack of energy
  • Writing problems [handwriting, turning words around, omitting words]
  • Difficulty doing simple math
  • Asperger’s, Autism and other brain based disorders

If you are experiencing any of the above I suggest you get your cranial system evaluated. It was one of the most important things I have ever done for my own health.

What Kind of Patients Seek My Cranial Technique?

Patients are usually desperate, “at the end of their rope”. They know something is not right with their body, but they can’t seem to find the answer. Most of them have “been everywhere” and “tried everything”.

What they soon find out on their first visit is they haven’t been everywhere, and they haven’t tried everything. At least not up until that point. I can’t tell you how many people have told me, “where have you been all this time?!”

We have a laugh, but in all seriousness, I’m glad they are now getting answers.

If you are looking for answers, give my office a call.


If you want to learn more keep browsing around the website.


Checking status of concussion

Dr. Brant does a GREAT job of explaining what he is doing as he is performing the necessary tests. It is very interesting to hear what he is accomplishing while doing a certain test and what it means. Enjoy the whole process of the diagnosis!

Hailey Swanson Nov 13, 2015

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