New Patient Forms

Congratulations for scheduling your first appointment with Dr. Larsen.

  • Please read through the Welcome Letter as it will provide you with more information about what Dr. Larsen does.
  • Read the HIPAA Privacy Policy (I wouldn’t want to read it either, but it’s required you are aware of the policy).
  • Next, print and fill out the New Patient Form and Email Correspondence Form thoroughly and completely. Bring your COMPLETED New Patient Form and Email Correspondence Form to your initial appointment with Dr. Larsen, along with the information below.
  • If you haven’t had a chance yet, make sure to check out the Results and Blog sections.
Read the following forms (do not need to print):
New Patient Welcome
HIPPA Privacy Policy
Print the following forms:
New Patient Form
Email Correspondence Form

NOTE: Please bring this information with you to your appointment….

  1. Please bring to your appointment any pertinent lab tests/results you may have.
  2. Please bring any supplements you are currently taking.

Directions: For directions to the office go here.



Copyright 2004-2025 © Brant A. Larsen, D.C., P.A. All rights reserved.