
The main thing that drives me is results. Everyday I strive to learn a little more so I can get better and better results. If you aren’t getting results nothing else really matters.

I think you will find the following case studies very interesting and enlightening.

It is remarkable how intricate and complex the human body truly is. Everything is connected.

I will add to this page consistently as time allows and as I come across interesting cases. Click on the links below. Enjoy!

  1. Full-body chronic pain for 10 years after car accident and fractured skull. NO PAIN after just 1 visit. This one is a doozy….
  2. Chronic shoulder snd stomach pain corrected after removing dental implant. This is the case that started all my investigations into the impact of dentistry and orthodontics on the neurology of the body.
  3. Extreme lower leg pain in 15 year old soccer player vanishes after removing a dental retainer. Doctor’s wanted to do surgery.
  4. Birth trauma, lazy eye correction, cone head and scars.
  5. 6’6″ basketball player was able to kick me across the room after putting pressure on his dental retainer. Previously, he was weak as a kitten.
  6. High school volleyball player with chronic, achy back linked to dental retainer.
  7. Woman with chronic left sided pain from head to toe for over 10 years. Multiple chiropractors with minimal help. Solved by removing earrings.
  8. Belly button piercing causing lower body weakness.
  9. Broken nose causing spine pain and headaches.
  10. Dental braces causing knee pain.
  11. Lower back pain and stuck cranial bones.
  12. Hip flexor pain and decreased squat strength from wisdom teeth.
  13. Hip flexor pain from twisted cranial meninges.
  14. Belly button piercing connected with chronic fatigue, pain and brain fog.
  15. Dental retainer causing muscle hypertonicity.
  16. College basketball player with diarrhea and chronic infection.
  17. Softball catcher’s knee pain connected with the gallbladder.
  18. Gymnast’s chronic lower back pain and the nasal bone connection.
  19. Chronic sciatic nerve pain solved in one visit.
  20. Lower back pain from old appendix scar.
  21. Young woman with horrible sweating problem and Graves’ Disease. Medical doctors wanted to irradiate her thyroid gland and give her drugs to stop sweating. Problem solved in 1 month confirmed on medical lab tests.
  22. Young man helped with lower back pain by addressing the kidneys and an old surgical scar.
  23. Chronic hip pain in young hockey player relieved after treating scars.
  24. Shoulder pain fixed with manganese and NeuroCentric Proprioceptive Taping.
  25. Chronic hip pain relieved in woman by treating interference fields.
  26. Lyme Disease in my son and the protocol I put him on.
  27. Infertility problem (2 Year) resolves using NeuroCentric Chiropractic.
  28. Cholesterol drops 64 points in 6 weeks.
  29. Chronic arm pain solved in 1 visit. The cause of the pain was interesting. It had to do with something he was wearing on a daily basis.
  30. Abdominal muscle weakness in fitness professional fixed. NOT fixed by exercise, but by finding the inhibited muscle and correcting it.
  31. One year of chronic shoulder pain after a motorcycle accident fixed with NeuroCentric Pro-Taping in 1 visit. Patient had been seeing physical therapists 3 times per week for almost 1 year with no results.
  32. Former Iraqi soldier with lower back pain fixed by solving his electrical pollution problem.
  33. Man with knee bursitis and ligament injury is told he can’t play sports for 6 months. He didn’t like that answer, so he came to my office and I had the privilege of fixing it in one visit!
  34. Man with chronic hernia-type symptoms and abdominal weakness/pain corrects the problem after I found this one thing. You will be surprised what fixed him.
  35. Facial paralysis from motorcycle crash corrected by adjusting the bones of the face and cranium.
  36. Thirty years of chronic upper back pain solved with cranial adjusting.
  37. Ten years of severe breathing distress while lying on back is resolved in less than one minute of treatment.
  38. Twenty years of chronic knee pain in a runner solved with knowledge of how the skull operates.
  39. Autistic boy says “thank you” for the first time after several months of cranial adjusting. Oh, and he is 19 years old… And here is an update post. He said “dad” for the first time ever a few weeks later.
  40. Mid 50’s man wakes up every night with head smashed against the wall and doesn’t know why. Been going on for decades ruining his sleep and quality of life.
  41. Vocal Cord Dysfunction resolves in 1 month after patient struggles for years to find the answer.
  42. Tooth adjustment fixes tight hip muscles.
  43. Youth baseball player’s painful pitching arm fixed with cranial adjusting. This one had an orthodontic braces component to it.
  44. Hockey player increases skate speed with little-known therapy to fix a dysfunctional bone-brain signal.
  45. Chronically painful and swollen sprained ankle of two years duration fixed.
  46. Chronic headaches from tongue tie surgery in young boy resolved.
  47. Chronic upper back tension and pain improved 60% after removing dental retainer.
  48. Wedding ring turns out to be the cause of 3 years of shoulder/arm pain.
  49. Chronic shoulder pain discovered to be from a faulty dental crown on the same side of the body. Testing revealed exactly which tooth was the culprit. Note: this was a new crown and not an old, broken one.
  50. Full-body neuromuscular weakness from a faulty dental filling and cracked tooth. This patient traveled from several hours away to find answers.
  51. Tooth problems causing right-sided muscle weakness and repeated ankle sprains. The injuries were starting to impact more areas on her right side.
  52. NeuroPro Taping dramatically helps collapsing ankle.
  53. Wrist pain helped with NeuroPro taping.
  54. Painful fingers recover after removing nightshades from the diet.
  55. Extremely excessive hand sweating of 8 years duration corrected in teenage girl. Imagine your hands going from dripping wet every single day, to bone dry.

  56. Hip pain corrected with adjustment of a lower front tooth. This patient had Invisalign-type braces that created the stress on the tooth.

  57. Terrible knee pain in a high school basketball player corrected with treatment to an old collarbone fracture. He had been given the diagnosis of Osgood-Schlatter’s disease and told nothing could be done and he would just have to outgrow it.

  58. Red, itchy rash on legs, arms, torso plagued this man for 7 years. Multiple doctors with no answers. A few months in and he looked much better. 8 months later and his skin is perfect.
  59. Softball catcher’s severe shoulder pain fixed by freeing skull compression. Her cranial bones were locked together creating remarkable upper body muscle weakness.

  60. Plantar fasciitis of two years duration fixed in a few weeks.
  61. Pharmacist’s migraines gone after removing two foods from diet.
  62. Severe digestive problems, ulcerative colitis, dramatically helped. If you are squeamish this is not something you want to read. What an interesting case this was. When I say dramatic, I mean it!
  63. Firefighter with chronic digestive problems after traumatic accident helped.

  64. Mid 60’s woman cannot clench fingers to her palm for years. I was able to correct this one in about 2 minutes after she had been to numerous doctors over the years.
  65. Immediate increase of over 100 pounds in leg/hip strength after treatment. It always astonishes me when this happens. Turn one muscle on and the person can now tap into strength that was always there, they just couldn’t access it.
  66. Softball pitcher’s 2 year elbow and arm pain solved by fixing scar tissue on the collarbone.
  67. Young woman with chronic Lyme disease stops frying phones with her head. She had completely short-circuited 6 phones in the previous 5 months.
  68. Post-viral slurred speech, blurry vision, face flushed and Bell’s Palsy corrected after 2 months of suffering. This one really stunned me how fast she responded.
  69. Full body pain and muscle tension solved in high school basketball player. This one turned out to be a very particular food group.

  70. Almost 50 years of hatchet-like headache pain after car accident helped with cranial adjusting. A real fun one, but also tough to think she suffered for so long, when she just needed her cranial bones adjusted.

  71. Gold dental crown causes chronic pain and problems in head, neck and jaw. Dental x-rays and exam revealed nothing, but with my testing, I was convinced it was the problem.

  72. Multiple head injuries the cause of chronic lower back and pelvis pain. I don’t think I have seen this many head injuries in a patient before.

  73. Young boy has leg weakness because of an upper plastic dental retainer. This one has a video I made with the boy talking about why this happens.
  74. Seven years of numb, painful hands every night resolves in one visit. I loved the look on his face on the follow up visit. Priceless. Countless chiropractor visits the previous 7  years with nothing to show for it. The focus of the treatment had been all wrong….
  75. Avid volleyball player in her 40’s, this woman had a painful shoulder since high school. We fixed a lot of muscles, but she can now serve overhand again.
  76. Competitive volleyball, track & field, powerlifter gets help by freeing the cranium. She had pain, back weakness, and breathing difficulties when running for around 7 months with no help. Fixed in one visit.
  77. 60 year old active volleyball player helped with chronic joint and muscle pain. This turned out to be yet another dental issue.
  78. Lower leg and shin pain relieved when upper dental retainer removed in teenage girl.

  79. Tongue tie in 1 year old causing problems with irritability and gag reflex

  80. Chronic ankle problems resolve in soccer player after removing dental retainer


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